Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Barbie Island Dream House" Roatan, Honduras

Our first island destination was Roatán, Honduras.  I've never been to an exotic tropical island before so I was in love with every single aspect of Roatán, immediately wanting to move there ASAP.

To me, Roatán was going to be my own personal "Barbie Island Dream" filled with darling colorful homes, tropical jungles, monkeys, dogs, and exotic beautiful beaches.  Ryan was quick to ruin my day dream by pointing out that Roatán was also like a, "Barbie {3rd world country} Island" which contained "Barbie Island rabid dogs," "Barbie Island Run Down Shacks," and "Barbie Island Crazy Driving Toothless Men."  {He may have ruined my wanting to move to Roatán after these revelations.}

Despite the fact that Roatán is probably not a dream island to claim residence on, we definitely had the time our our lives here.

First, we rented a tiny Fiat and drove around the island until we found a remote tourist spot called, "Gumbalimba Park."  We decided this was probably a decent place to spend the day since it looked clean and well kept for a relatively low admission price.

Next, we went on a tour of a few little museums of wildlife/pirates from the island:

This was an awesome and rather scary old wood and rope bridge we had to walk across

Then we hiked a guided trail of the jungles and saw many, many lizards:

Lizards were EVERYWHERE....this is the Jesus Christ lizard.
He got his name because he runs across the top of water

One of my favorite parts was when we ran across some playful monkeys and macaws.

The monkeys were just hanging out and would randomly jump on person to person and pick through your hair.  I'll have to admit, it was a little strange {and unhygienic}, and definitely called for a nice long shower afterwards, but it was still pretty neat.

We also learned a random fact that macaws are monogamous like humans, so when their mate dies, they get really sad and lonely and usually die shortly afterwards.  {That will happen to Ryan and I for sure in 65 years too...}

Overall, we felt like Tarzan since we were surrounded by monkeys, vines, large insects and thick jungle.  This was so fun and very memorable!

At first, only one was on Ryan, and then the other monkey randomly jumped on my head and totally shocked us!

And we finally ended the adventure with an unforgettable hour of sea kayaking on the park's private beach:
Sea kayaking was the best, and we were actually a great team out there.
The bottom of our kayak was glass so we could look down at all the coral
and fish swimming beneath us!!

Oh Roatán, I will always remember you forever!  And, would come back in a heartbeat...{even though Ryan doesn't think you're 'Dream Home' quality.}

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