Tuesday, December 27, 2011

You Better Belize It!

So, I retract my previous statement of wanting to reside in Roatán, Honduras after spending the day in Belize.  Both Ryan and I are in complete agreement that we will most certainly be traveling to Belize again in the near future and that one day when we are stinking rich, we'll buy a small beach house on one of the cayes overlooking the gorgeous emerald water.

After researching Belize before we left for the cruise, we decided to spend our time snorkeling here because supposedly Belize is the 2nd best area for snorkeling in the world...

Ryan and I have decided that along with taking up recreational kayaking, we're also going to take more vacations centered around snorkeling/scuba diving because we found something that we actually both like doing and more importantly are both good at too!

At first, I was a little apprehensive about jumping into the ocean without a life jacket because our guide scared the group about going into the ocean and not being a strong swimmer.  Ryan however bolstered my confidence and told me I'd do great without a floatee and that he'd help me if I got too tired.  I'm SO grateful I decided to go without one because I realized I'm a pretty good swimmer and I would have missed out on some pretty neat experiences if I would have been stuck just bobbing on the surface.

Can you tell it was our honeymoon by the snorkeling hand-holding?

This is just SOME of the many wonders we saw:

Paige and Eric decided to bring Asher along on the snorkeling adventure.  Must I say, he truly is a water loving baby!  He didn't cry once the entire time and loved holding on to Eric and kicking his feet around in the ocean!  What a little cutie!

After exploring the reef, our guide took us to a nearby sandbar where nurse sharks and stingrays hung out.  It was absolutely thrilling swimming around with those magnificent creatures.  We even got to pet them.  The stingrays were pretty soft and slippery, but the nurse sharks had this nylon-meshlike skin.  They were SO cool!

Afterwards, we stopped about 20 miles off the mainland coast in a small fishing village called Caye Caulker.  It was a pristine beach utopia {for the budget minded}.  We ate lunch here and fell in love with the quaint village.

Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar!!!

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