Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Stork Landed with Baby Asher!

I having been waiting semi-patiently for the past 12 years to be an Aunt, and Asher has finally arrived to our family.

Asher Matthew

He is as cute as a bug and perfect in every single way. Heavenly Father has blessed Paige and Eric (and the rest of our family) tremendously. I know Paige and Eric are going to be wonderful parents and that Asher is meant to be in their family.

I admire Paige SO much after watching her battle with infertility and all the emotional and physical anxiety, hardship, and sorrow it fosters. I don't know if I'd be that brave. She's been through so much trauma including two in-vetro medical attempts/miscarriages and an adoption that fell through a week before the due date. Still, with loving words of advice and encouraging support from Eric and close loved ones, Paige didn't give up and tried new routes in bringing a baby into their family.

After much research, Paige and Eric tried a small private agency located in Salt Lake. They had just begun the process of registering with the agency, and only had their names and a few pictures to their file. Asher's birth parents contacted this agency 2 days before her due date and looked through every 'admissible' couple, yet none of them matched what they were looking for. Finally, with hesitation, the workers showed them Paige and Eric's new meager profile--Asher's birth parents immediately knew their baby belonged to Paige and Eric.

At 10 PM, Paige and Eric picked up the most important phone call they have ever received telling them they finally had a match. Usually, in adoption processes, the adoptive family has several weeks and/or months to prepare for a placement, however, Paige and Eric had less than 24 hours to prepare to be parents and bring a baby into their home! And boy were they ready!

Asher's birth parents have a very unique, yet beautiful situation. They are both in their early 30's and have been in an monogamous relationship for over 10 years. They did not feel as though they were ready to be parents and rather than having an abortion, decided to give their beautiful healthy baby boy to a couple who couldn't have children. Beautiful. Truly a miracle and selfless act of love. They chose Utah because of the wonderful and easy adoption laws.

Asher was born January 19th. His birth parents handed him over to Paige and Eric minutes later after he was all cleaned up saying, "here is YOUR son!" Teary eyes and warm arms met the tiny precious babe with a long and cherished welcoming.

Paige and Eric called me first with the adoption news and birth--as this was a promise Paige made me countless years ago that I'd be the first to know she was having a baby! I rushed over to the hospital the very next day when other family members were legally allowed into the room and see the child. I met the birth parents and they were the dearest people in the world, and I truly love them for this miracle they provided.

My heart melted when I first held baby Asher in my arms. He is such a pristine little baby and so new from heaven. He is a miracle and I was SO overwhelmed with streaming tears of joy that I was finally holding my nephew after waiting an incredibly long time. His birth parents probably thought I was an absolute nut job.

Unfortunately, my poor fiance, Ryan was as sick as a dog with a severe flu during this entire occasion, so he was unable to see the little guy for about a week. But, now Ryan's been able to play with him and I didn't know it was possible, but I've fallen even more in love with Ryan after watching him with Asher. He's going to be such a good Uncle in a few months, and an even better father one day...in the VERY far future.

It's incredible, but Asher's birth mother loves to cook and bake just like Paige AND his birth father is a nationally 'ranked' Halo player (which is huge according to avid Halo players like Eric and the Griffeths). He also is pretty tall and has thick dark curly hair just like Eric! So, funny how miracles work--Asher is meant to be Paige and Eric's.

Miracles happen. I know this. God's hand is involved in everything in our lives and He knows what trials and blessings we need as well as when we need them to help us grow and become the strong individuals he wants us to be.

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