Monday, January 17, 2011

Vegas Trip numero Uno

Ryan and I just returned from our first official road trip AND wedding planning excursion! We had an absolute blast thanks to Ryan's dear friends Jon and Haley Atkin who are pretty much the bomb (wow what a terrible 90's expression-I feel SO dated now).

The trip down was a little nerve wracking seeing as we almost ran out of gas in the middle of the desert. Luckily, Ryan is a brilliant and excellent driver, thus putting the car in neutral allowing us to 'roll' down the hill just in time to get to a gas station before we became 'really' unfortunate. I tried to keep my cool during this adventurous episode, however the back of my mind was reeling with imaginative outcomes consisting of me sitting in the car alone at 11 PM while Ryan walks to a distant gas station and creepy prowling men trying to break in the car and kill me and eventually mug Ryan--I know, I know, dramatic. But this is what hollywood movies and 20/20 does to you.

Luckily, we arrived safe and in one piece only about 30 minutes behind our estimated time of arrival.

We spent the entire weekend searching florists, reception centers, cake bakers--you name it! I think we've narrowed it down to a few places, all we have to do now is crunch numbers and make some phone calls. I think the flowers are going to be my favorite part of the wedding because I will be able to use my favorite pink peonies in my bouquet!

I've never seen the Las Vegas Temple, so we stopped by to look at it. It is stunning! I can't believe we're getting married in such a beautiful and sacred space. LOVE it!

I am SO stinking excited, especially because Ryan is ultra helpful in wedding planing and actually cares about things--unlike most grooms. I'm just very, very glad he doesn't want the typical Mormon style wedding consisting of standing in a line and shaking hands in a church gymnasium surrounded by wild children, basketball nets, and a plethora of punch bowls.

While we were there, we did manage to squeeze in some entertainment! Jon and Haley took us to the Strip which was Ryan's first time on it even though he lived there for 2 years (LDS missionaries weren't allowed near it--ultimate RED zone). We enjoyed walking around and seeing all the bright lights and complete crazies walking around. An MJ impersonator yelled at Ryan for absolutely NO reason whatsoever and then began to pester me for dating this 'joker'. Interesting word choice since I do believe he was a Michael Jackson impersonator after all.

Jon and Haley treated us to a ride down Freemont on one of those zip line things. My vivid imagination, extreme vertigo, AND height fright nearly kept me from participating, but, I sucked it up, closed my eyes, and leapt--and as you can see, I lived to tell the tale! (For Christmas, Ryan bought us skydiving tickets, so one day AFTER we're married I'm going to have to muster up this same courage again...)

I also managed to break or fracture Ryan's nose with a door at Jon and Haley's. I don't know the actual medical terminology, but there was severe bleeding, bump, and crookedness that wasn't there pre-accident. Hopefully, when the bruising goes down, Ryan won't looked maimed...

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