Friday, May 20, 2011

It's a Hard Knock Summer for Us

This is going to be a very, very long summer.

My list of complaints I'm going to mentally convince myself into thinking positively about:

1. I only spend 4 hours a day with my newly wed husband {all of which are after he's been working/knocking/sweating all day and exhausted OR while we're at the gym}
2. The office I go into occasionally to help out in smells like trash
2a. I suck at door-to-door sales so I can't work out here
3. I don't have means of transportation so I'm stuck in my apartment all day with nothing useful to occupy my time.
3a. no car
3b. I can't figure out the local bus routes {I don't want to get lost here = danger/death}
3c. my driver's license expired
4. Walmart is the only store I can go to while I'm here cause it's the only place open 24 hours {the earliest time Ryan gets home is 9:30 PM}
4a. I can't even get my hair cut and it needs it desperately
5. Said Walmart is NEVER stocked and doesn't have a craft/sewing area so I can't buy anything for me to do or learn how to do
6. I feel like I'm trapped in a sterile sanitarium apartment or under house arrest
7. Ryan hates being outside during 'off' time, I hate being inside during his 'off' time
8. I miss my family and friends and I'm shy and have a hard time making new friends
9. Pool passes at my complex cost $350 for the season
10. LOST my books I ordered so I can start researching/writing my thesis paper
11. No cable and I have to steal my neighbor's internet connection
11a. I'm sick of trying to watch things that are worth while or 'interesting' on Netflix. Hoarders was interesting at first but it makes me paranoid. I've watched every movie that looks somewhat decent...
12. Every time I brainstorm things I could do or learn, for one reason or another it gets shot to the ground and trampled into dust specs
12a. Most hobbies and things I could learn cost significant amounts of money to start and I don't want to spend money because we don't have money to spend
13. I'm alone ALL day in the same 4 walls and it's a treat when I get to take out our trash
14. I feel worthless and like I'm not contributing to our family or to society
15. I miss Ryan all the time and I loathe that we never get quality time together
15a. I feel annoying and needy if I bother him while he's working

Okay, now I've vented and I'm going to work on problem solving and optimism {somehow}

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